How To Download Wicked Whims Animations On Mac UPDATED

How To Download Wicked Whims Animations On Mac

You lot might accept heard of The Sims four'southward Wicked Whims modern. It'southward been getting quite a bit of attention since its release due to its nature. And past that, I mean it's an incredibly explicit sex mod for The Sims 4… of course.

As is always the case, however, The Sims 4 Wicked Whims requires you to download and install the mod before you'll be able to get up to all your freaky Sims sex-related business organization. Downward below, we'll talk y'all through the stages of downloading, installing, and using Sims 4'due south Wicked Whims modernistic.

Downloading The Sims 4 Wicked Whims

Bank check Your Game Version for Compatibility

The starting time thing y'all're going to demand to do is make certain that your version of The Sims 4 supports the Wicked Whims modern. We've included all supported versions down below:

  • 1.56.52
  • Legacy
  • ane.58.69
  • one.59.73
  • 1.60.54
  • 1.61.15

Download the Wicked Whims Mod Files

In one case yous've confirmed your game version supports the mod, you tin can go alee and download the mod files themselves. This tin be done by either Sim File Share, or via Nexus Mods.

The download itself will be part of an archive file. You'll want to use something like WINRAR to extract the mod files.

Sims 4 Wicked Whims

This is washed past right clicking on the archive file and selecting the 'Extract Hither…' option. Yous should now take a folder called 'WickedWhimsMod.' Inside this, yous should have two files:

  • TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning.parcel
  • TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Scripts.ts4script

Moving the Files Into The Sims 4 Folder

Before you complete this step, you'll need to brand certain that you've at least started up The Sims 4 on your PC once. If you haven't, The Sims 4 folder that nosotros're looking for won't be.

You'll demand to find the binder for The Sims four Mods. EA has fabricated this particularly easy, as it tin can be found at the following file path by default: \Documents\Electronic Arts\ The Sims four\ Mods.

sims 4 wicked whims

In one case yous've located this file path, just move the WickedWhimsMod folder that you extracted from the archive binder and paste it into the The Sims 4 Mods folder. Exercise not delete or move the 'Resources.cfg' file that should be in the mods folder, every bit this is required to let mods to work.

Enabling the Sims 4's Wicked Whims Modernistic

Finally, all y'all need to do at present is load up the game. Earlier you become and load your Sim family, however, y'all need to quickly dive into the Game Options bill of fare.

Sims 4 Wicked Whims

From here, select the 'Other' menu and you should come across the post-obit options:

  • Enable Custom Content and Mods
  • Script Mods Allowed

Yous want to enable both of these in guild to use Sims 4's Wicked Whims modernistic. This needs to exist done every fourth dimension the game is updated, as it volition automatically disable these again.

Once this is done, simply exit and reopen the game and you'll at present have access to all of the dingy fiddling gameplay features you tin can become your hands on. We've provided a few pointers on how t go started with some of the naughtiness beneath.

Using The Sims 4 Wicked Whims Mod

One time you've enabled the modern and loaded upwardly your game, you'll take a whole wealth of sex-related activities you tin now get up to, exterior of the usual woohoo, anyway. As we noted above, these are incredibly graphic, so you'll exist seeing homo appendages left, correct and center.

We'll talk yous through some very brief basics below, earlier leaving you to explore Wicked Whims are your ain leisure.

Having Sexual activity with Wicked Whims

The main part of this modern is to permit for a more graphic and robust sex activity and romance system in The Sims four. To make your Sims accept sex, you lot'll need to click on a sex location in the game. The most obvious 1 of these is a bed, but you lot can also select the ground… if yous simply can't wait to find something more comfortable.

Once you lot've done this, y'all'll demand to make certain there's another Sim around the ane you've called to collaborate with the 'sex location.' Yous'll and then need to choose your 'sex activity category' which then allows you to initiate the act.

With your Sims going at it, you can and so modify position, or have a raucous ol' time with other Sims by clicking on your ii lovebirds and selecting the options.

You lot can get experimenting with Wicked Whims in a variety of means, with new traits, a whole pregnancy arrangement that includes nascence command and a menstrual cycle style, and a bunch of reactions for once the act is washed.

And there y'all take everything yous need to know well-nigh The Sims 4's Wicked Whims mod, and how to download and use sex mods.

You can check out our different lists of the all-time mods for different things down beneath:

  • Best Discover University Mods
  • All-time Realm of Magic Mods
  • All-time Sex Mods
  • Best Sims 4 Mods


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